Energy Storage System (ESS)

If there are accidents or natural calamities, it automatically becomes the responsibility of powerful Energy Storage Systems (ESS) to backup. These have the potential to supply an entire area or town. Lithium-ion batteries are one of the most popular ESS options. Ecomile distributes these in compact, lightweight, high depth discharge, durable and rapid charging features among many others.

Solar Batteries

Customized based on personal needs. A large number of Lithium-ion batteries have been designed to support a spectrum of solar applications.


Solar Energy Storage Batteries

These batteries store electricity produced from solar energy to be used later such that appliances can keep running even during power shortages. This also has financial benefits like saving cost on energy, tagging along 12.8V.


Installing a home battery is one of the best ways to give clean, eco-friendly energy resource to the entire house. As the house energy becomes independent and self-sufficient, the cost of maintenance is also low. The Ecomile batteries do not release harmful gases, reducing your carbon footprint on the planet.  Batteries with 1kVA / 2kVA / 3kVA Inverter.

Energy Storage System

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